Benton Police Department officers and staff are getting prepared to participate in the 2016 Freezin’ For A Reason Saline County Polar Plunge at Hurricane Lake in Benton on Saturday, Feb. 6. The BNPD will join other law enforcement agencies, local students, businesses and individuals for the event that benefits 15,000 athletes statewide participating in Special Olympics Arkansas.
Participants will be dressed in various costumes and later take a swim in the frigid Hurricane Lake. Registration of teams will begin at 1 p.m., the parade and awards will be presented at 2 p.m. and at 2:30 p.m. the participants will take the plunge. There is still time for businesses and residents to form teams to participate in the event and fundraise for Special Olympic athletes. Special Olympics Arkansas depends on donations and sponsorships to be able to provide year-round events to their athletes free of charge.
“If you have ever been to the games with Special Olympians and see the joy on their faces when they compete, it is something you will always remember,” Police Chief Kirk Lane said. “It’s always a lot of fun as well to see everyone parade around in hilarious costumes and then watching their faces as they jump into the cold water. If you think you have what it takes to take the plunge with us then please feel free to start fundraising with us and if not, then please sponsor us as we do.”
To make a donation or to become a sponsorship, visit www.firstgiving.com, type Justice League in the search bar (or Saline County Polar Plunge 2016, click the Special Olympics Arkansas logo and the Justice League team will be displayed along with individual page of the BNPD team). Or call the BNPD at (501) 776-5948. Information and a link will also be provided at the Benton Police Department Facebook page. Donations are also 100 percent tax deductible.
“Donations and sponsorships are an important part of this event, but even more so it’s about raising awareness about what Special Olympics provides to their athletes,” Captain Kevin Russell said. “Special Olympic athletes hold a special place in my heart and that is why I choose to participate in events such as the Polar Plunge on an annual basis now. My reasoning is this; if I can sustain a brief plunge in freezing water to help fund some of their year-round events than it was more than worth it.”
The mission of Special Olympics AR is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic type sports for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
For more information about Special Olympics please visit www.specialolympicsarkansas.com.
“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” – Special Olympics Oath.
Link to BNPD fundraising page: http://www.firstgiving.com/team/311901
Follow BNPD on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Benton-Police-Department/221829174560849