BNPD strives to be proactive in law enforcement as well as in building community relationships. Lt. Jackson oversees many of the events BNPD participates in, and any time a media interview is needed, he serves as Public Information Officer (Capt. Russell is back-up). The media specialist works alongside Lt. Jackson to coordinate, publicize, and document events, as well as ensure a regular presence on social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Nextdoor, and come say hi to us at any number of events such as Third Thursday, holiday parades, Hooked on Fishing Derby, Special Olympics Torch Run, DEA Drug Take Back Days, Car Seat Safety Days, and many more. All events hosted by BNPD are free and open to the public (some require registration).
BNPD joins the DEA Take Back events twice a year. These are days set aside specifically to collect old prescription and OTC meds that would otherwise remain in the reach of young kids or those who might abuse them. These events are held in April and October. In 2022, BNPD collected 1,619.50 total pounds of meds to be properly disposed of. This includes those collected at the 24/7 drop box located in front of the department. In continuation of BNPD’s support of Special Olympics Arkansas athletes, officers participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics and oversaw security at the Polar Plunge. Officers also participated in a Tip a Cop event at Texas Roadhouse, which was the first event of its kind held locally since the pandemic started. Additionally, BNPD provides monthly car seat clinics to ensure safety of kids throughout the community, assists with multiple parades, and participates in the City of Benton events such as Small Town Christmas, Third Thursday, 4th of July celebration, and more.
A signature event is the Hooked on Outdoors event. Now a partnership between Benton Parks & Recreation, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, and BNPD, the event is held annually at Sunset Lake and involves a fishing derby for children, lots of games/activities, and even more prizes!
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BNPD strives to be proactive in law enforcement as well as in building community relationships. Lt. Jackson oversees many of the events BNPD participates in, and any time a media interview is needed, he serves as Public Information Officer (Capt. Russell is back-up). The media specialist works alongside Lt. Jackson to coordinate, publicize, and document events, as well as ensure a regular presence on social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Nextdoor, and come say hi to us at any number of events such as Third Thursday, holiday parades, Hooked on Fishing Derby, Special Olympics Torch Run, DEA Drug Take Back Days, Car Seat Safety Days, and many more. All events hosted by BNPD are free and open to the public (some require registration).
BNPD joins the DEA Take Back events twice a year. These are days set aside specifically to collect old prescription and OTC meds that would otherwise remain in the reach of young kids or those who might abuse them. These events are held in April and October. In 2022, BNPD collected 1,619.50 total pounds of meds to be properly disposed of. This includes those collected at the 24/7 drop box located in front of the department. In continuation of BNPD’s support of Special Olympics Arkansas athletes, officers participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics and oversaw security at the Polar Plunge. Officers also participated in a Tip a Cop event at Texas Roadhouse, which was the first event of its kind held locally since the pandemic started. Additionally, BNPD provides monthly car seat clinics to ensure safety of kids throughout the community, assists with multiple parades, and participates in the City of Benton events such as Small Town Christmas, Third Thursday, 4th of July celebration, and more.
A signature event is the Hooked on Outdoors event. Now a partnership between Benton Parks & Recreation, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, and BNPD, the event is held annually at Sunset Lake and involves a fishing derby for children, lots of games/activities, and even more prizes!