The Benton Police Department is getting “Back In Your Business” during the entire month of December to increase officer visibility, sustain good community relationships and deter crimes at businesses in the city. Last year’s “In Your Business” initiative had such a resounding success with business owners and the entire community that we are utilizing the program again this holiday season.
In this proactive initiative officers will exit their patrol cars, introduce themselves to the owners and workers, and later will provide contact information and material on joining the Benton Business Watch program (if the business isn’t already a member). In addition to the full-time officers, we’ll also utilize reserve officers to provide extra patrol of businesses.
Officers will patrol the businesses day and night, and with the times being unannounced, it will keep criminals wondering when and where an officer will show up. The increase of officer visibility will deter crimes that often increase during the holiday season, including breaking and entering and theft crimes.
Business owners and employees will not only build better relationships with the officers, they will also forge communications to help dissuade crime and also solve any crimes that do occur. Business owners can help reduce crime in the community and assist in keeping the city safer by participating in the BNPD initiative. For more information about the Benton Business Watch program, visit www.bentonpolice.org.