Benton Police Department launched “Operation Grinch Halt” today as a means of promoting holiday safety for businesses and individuals. The campaign will emphasize preventive tips and measures, along with patrol presence.
Chief Scotty Hodges said officers are always keeping an eye out but noted that the holiday season can bring about an uptick in crimes such as theft and fraud.
“We all know to be extra alert during the holiday season, but in the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget and be a bit more complacent, so we’re here to remind citizens and businesses of precautions to take—and that we’re here for them if we’re needed.”
He added that fearmongering is not the goal- just a reiteration of common sense.
“One of the most important tips to remember this time of year is to go with your gut. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is, and just keep in mind that there are a lot of grinches out there who are perfectly content to steal your hard-earned purchases. We’ll be on the lookout, but it’s a huge help to us when doors are locked, hedges are trimmed (these make good hiding places for criminals), and plans are made in advance when you are going to be out of town.”
BNPD does offer a safe exchange location for those wishing to meet up for online purchases this holiday season and beyond. It’s located on the north side of the Municipal Complex at the parallel parking and is video monitored 24/7—with backup close by.
“Every effort helps,” said Hodges. It truly is a community undertaking. We want everyone to enjoy a safe and fun-filled holiday season, and I believe we can achieve that goal as a team.”
Additional campaign information will be available on BNPD social media sites. For inquiries, contact BNPD at 501-776-5948 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.