Benton Police Department is continuing its emphasis on positive community policing with the Police Actively Reaching Kids, or PARK, initiative throughout July. The month-long campaign will spotlight the continuous efforts of officers to build rapport with youth—and others— in the community.
Enhanced patrols of parks and other popular hangouts should be expected by the public, according to BNPD Chief Scotty Hodges. It’s a continuation of the Protecting Our Future initiative, but he noted there will be some added surprises here and there.
“Patrolling parks both in and out of vehicles, proactively looking into any suspicious activity… these are things BNPD already does, but officers will be redoubling their efforts to connect with the kids in the community in new and creative ways. We want them to know we’re on their side and that they can count on us to always be there for them…not just in the bad moments.”
Hodges added that positive interaction with kids and the community as a whole is something BNPD prides itself on, but he emphasized that his desire is for all of Benton’s residents to understand the human aspect of policing.
“Ultimately, our job is to protect and serve, and that’s the focus of both this initiative and our daily efforts, but we never want to lose sight of the importance of building relationships that will serve to make our community stronger. I believe it starts with the public knowing that we genuinely care and are willing to help at all times but also enjoy getting to know them as friends and neighbors.”
Additional campaign information and updates will be available on BNPD social media sites throughout the month. For inquiries, contact BNPD at 501-776-5948 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.