Benton Police Department was recently awarded funds through the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership to form an Overdose Response Team. The team has now been approved for funding for the Naloxone Hero Program, which will enable naloxone dissemination and training for families and community members in Saline County.
Peer Recovery Specialist Sean Willits’ role is to help community members in their recovery journey, and this opportunity helps further his efforts.
“We will begin the training in August,” said Willits. “Equipping community members with the knowledge and capacity to act in moments of life and death is an invaluable part of the Overdose Response Team’s efforts. We are committed to saving lives and helping resolve the issues around substance use disorder.”
Willits said more details, including official dates and times, will be forthcoming.
A certified Peer Supervisor in Arkansas, Willits was hired to help develop the new Overdose Response Team and is available to provide counseling and follow-up to overdose victims regarding treatment and recovery services in addition to community education and empowerment.
If you know anyone struggling with Substance Use who is wanting help, please reach out to Willits at 501-239-2147 (office) or 501-326-5222 (cell).
For additional information regarding ARORP, visit www.arorp.org. For department-specific inquiries, contact Benton Police Department at 501-776-5948.