Wow, what a start to our school year. Your School Resource Officers responded to over 107 calls for service at our campuses in the last ten days. Most of these calls were handled by the SRO’s without incident and most were minor in nature but they are busy busy busy. The kids and staff continue to be motivated and purpose driven and are displaying great attitudes and camaraderie.
Your SRO’s have also been busy furthering their training by attending classes such as Firearms qualifications, defensive tactics, and First Responder Negotiations for School Resource Officers.
We had our first home game at the new Athletic Complex with over 4,000 in attendance. Your SRO’s were extremely busy ensuring the safety of our kids, parents, players and visitors. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation as we transition into this new complex during this learning period.
We have also had a lot of fun attending Pep Rallies at the High School. The atmosphere at these events is extremely energizing and motivational. Officer Jackson was recognized at today’s Pep Rally as the student body recognized our Nations Veterans.
Sgt. Stuart was able to present the Alternative Learning Center with a donation of over $500 worth of athletic equipment for the school’s PE classes. She was able to accomplish this by seeking out donations and purchasing the equipment. Sgt. Stuart also received the Panther Pride Award by the Benton School Board at Monday night’s meeting.
We also had a few parades over the past few weeks. We kicked off with the Saline County Fair parade and yesterday we joined the town as everyone welcomed Kali back to school. Proud to be a part of Kali’s Krew. WELCOME BACK KALI!!!
Law of the Week:
Remember to watch your speed while in school zones. Not only is it dangerous but it comes with increased fines.
Also, Howard Perrin is now a NO LEFT TURN zone when exiting the parking lot between 2:45 pm and 3:30 pm. Officers have been working to educate motorists over the past few weeks and we hope to have a permanent sign in place soon. Please work with us to ensure cooperation with this new procedure.
Proudly serving our kids,
Sgt. Lisa Stuart