GO PANTHERS!!! We had another record crowd at the game this year with over 24,000 people in attendance. Although we didn’t win the Salt Bowl, our team showed heart and determination and I commend our boys for a job well done.
Your School Resource Officers have been busy expanding their knowledge the past two weeks. They attended the following training:
*Improvised Explosive Device Awareness Class
*Firearm Instructor School
*Managing Behavior
Classes were also taught by your School Resource Officers:
*Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco at the High School
*Citizen Police Academy for Women kicked off last Tuesday night and is scheduled to occur over the
next 6 weeks. Last week the participants were given a tour of the department, and a background of
the agency and its inner workings by Chief Kirk Lane.
Sgt. Stuart made a presentation to the Kiwanis Club and thanked them for a past donation. With their gift, Sgt. Stuart is in the process of implementing a Bicycle Safety Town program for elementary age students. Small buildings, lane markings and street signs will be set up and kids will use their own bicycles to navigate the course while learning the rules of the road. Helmet fittings will also take place. We hope to have this program up and running within the month.
Over the past two weeks, your School Resource Officers answered 114 calls for service. While most are minor in nature, we are starting to see an increase in criminal mischief, assaults, threats, and conflicts between the older students. I want to remind our students that any crime that occurs while coming to or leaving school will be addressed by your SRO’s, in addition to any police involvement otherwise taken. The Tyndall park area is becoming an area of concern after school and extra patrols have been implemented.
Battery 3rd Degree: 5-13-203
A person commits battery in the 3rd degree if:
A.With the purpose of causing physical injury to another person, he causes physical injury to any person; or
B.He recklessly causes physical injury to another person; or
C.He negligently causes physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon; or
D.He purposely causes stupor, unconsciousness, or physical or mental impairment or injury to another person by administering to him, without consent, any drug or other substance.